探索我们的一些 卓越功能
维修 SMS 提醒

通过我们的详细报告掌握店铺的财务健康状况。 分析所有店铺位置的收入和利润,以做出明智的决定并推动业务发展。

我们简化了添加配件的过程,例如 iPhone 钢化玻璃,并允许您将所有型号作为变体附加。


从现有 POS 软件无缝过渡。
在我们的帮助下,您可以确保从现有 POS 软件到 FixMasterPOS 的数据迁移和同步无缝进行。

具有 IMEI 库存数量的电子设备。
停止损失数千美元的丢失设备——是的,我们指的是那些! 使用 FixMasterPOS,跟踪每个电子设备。 将 IMEI 附加到库存数量。 例如,管理 #5 iPhone 11,每台都有不同的 IMEI。


告别通用收据。 我们的系统允许您根据品牌的身份和特定需求定制每张收据,例如添加 Google 评论或网站作为 QR 码。

Pre-Loaded Repair Issues for All Major Cellphone Brands
FixMasterPOS comes with a comprehensive list of repair issues for every major cellphone brand, so you can simply select from our database. Need something unique? Easily add custom issues whenever you need.

Add Customized Stickers to Repairs and Products
This is a placeholder text. It should be replaced with a supporting text to further explain this heading.


Learn Quickly with In-App Demo Videos
Get up to speed fast with short, easy-to-follow demo videos right in the Help Center. Whether you're exploring new features or need a refresher, these quick guides provide step-by-step instructions to help you make the most of our platform.

Repair Updates, Delivered in Your Customer's Language
Keep your customers informed and engaged with repair notifications tailored to their preferred language. This ensures clear communication, providing updates they understand and appreciate. Set the language during repair creation, and we’ll handle the rest!


Stock history for products
Our seamless stock management system allows you to track and adjust stock levels with ease. Stay informed with a complete adjustment history, ensuring full transparency and accuracy in your operations.

Seamlessly Update Inventory Stock in Bulk
Save time and reduce errors by quickly updating inventory levels in bulk, ensuring accurate stock management with just a few clicks.

Boost Reviews with QR-Enabled Receipts!
Effortlessly collect hundreds of Google reviews in just days with our customizable receipts featuring QR codes. Encourage customer feedback seamlessly and boost your online reputation with FixMasterPOS.